Sunday, September 25, 2011

The changing surface of the earth and its causes

1. Landscape changes

Task 1: 
What do you think earth has been looked like 500 mio years ago ? 
How were the continents formed ?
How will earth be like in a 100 mio years from now ?
Those changes are called abrupt changes. (True/False)

Task 2: 
What type of agent has changed landscape around 65.5 mio years ago ?
This change is called abrupt change. (True/False)
What type of agent has changed landscape from around 3 mio-2 mio years ago ?
This change is called slow change. (True/False) If you take a closer look to the Holocene Epoch (11,400 years ago to today), what other agent is having a great deal of influence on Landscape Change ?

Check out this timeline to find the answers.
Here is another time line from BBC Channel.

Task 3:                                                                                                                                   

What other examples can you find for abrupt changes ?
Can you name one example of your own country?

Click here to find the answer.
Click here to see some evidence of landscape changes.

Task 4:                                                                                                                 
Landscape changes, which occure at regular speed over a long period of time, are called ?


These kind of changes are due to the action of the a....................... and the h........................ on the planet.
The w........., continental w...................., the s............., i..........of g...........all act as agent of change, t............ off rocky material from one area and d....................... them in another. 

Task 5:                                                                                                                           
Describe the picture:

What happens at the source ?
What happens at the river valleys ?
What happens at the river bank ?

Click here to find out the three processes.

Task 6:                                                                                                                              
What is the difference between Erosion and Weathering ?

Click here to find out.
Click here to see a movie about weathering, erosion and deposition
After watching the video name the 4 agents fo erosion.

How do you think mountains have formed ? Is there any relation to what you see in the picture ?

Click here to find out.

Watch the early earth and plate tetonics

Watch Plate Tectonic Evidence Movement

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